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Hook Up: Rebound Series Book One

  Hook Up

  Rebound Series Book One

  Lyndy Hughes

  Copyright © 2021 Lyndy Hughes

  First Edition

  The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and

  Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

  stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means

  without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated

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  Smiling her thanks to the harassed barman, she reached out to pick up the drink that had taken her ten minutes of queueing to order. She caught a movement to her left. Too late. Her hand was knocked, her drink spilt across the bar.

  “Did I do that? I’m so sorry.” Tingles danced down her back as the breath caressed her ear, the voice deep and warm. Linen and sandalwood drove the sweat and unwashed body odour scents from her nose.

  “What the—” She turned, which gave not quite enough space to claim a spot at the bar. He took it anyway; easing back gently, he created space between them, so he wasn’t touching her. His hand lay next to hers on the bar and was twice the size of hers, she noticed. Her eyes traced up his arm and up to his face. She had to crane her neck to be able to see his dark-blonde spiked hair. He didn’t look old enough to be in a pub. No matter buying a drink. “Seriously?” To make sure the sarcasm hit home, her hands landed either side of his shirt buttons and pushed. He didn’t flinch. Or move.

  “Can this day get any better?” She winced as someone elbowed her in the back.

  He lifted his hand and said loudly, “Hey! Sorry man. My fault. Can I get the lady another glass of—” He looked down at her for the first time, questioning her with his chocolate brown eyes. A flash of recognition bounced around her brain, then disappeared. The witty comeback she looked for was crowded out by instant attraction. How cute?

  He looked down at her for those milliseconds it took her to decide whether to take up the offer or storm out.

  “Pinot,” exploded from her as her brain cleared. The barman threw down a dish cloth and made a half-hearted attempt to mop up the spilt wine.

  “Pinot, and a bottle of Bud.”

  His gaze followed the barman, then said, “You’re gonna have to push harder than that if you want me to move.”

  Her hands jerked away from him and fell by her sides. The mass of bodies behind her surged as people jostled to get closer to the bar. Her ears rang as the heavy metal music stopped suddenly. The crowd froze for an instant, then erupted into raucous applause. Buffeted by the surge of people, the scent of damp, pungent heat made her nose wrinkle. Nudged again by the crowd, she staggered forward. His arm shot around her waist and steadied her and pulled her further into his body. Instinctively, she tried to step back, but any space behind her had been swallowed up by the crowd, hustling to be served.

  What the hell am I doing here? she thought.

  He smelt just as fresh this close. The blue check button-down shirt was freshly laundered and matched the navy T-shirt underneath. The denim of his jeans felt rough against her fingers where she had reached out to steady herself. Her hand still rested on his hip. Her breath caught as the crowd surged again. Her gaze darted towards the door, then back towards the bar. Pushed even closer into his firm chest, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. He glanced down at her and flashed a quick reassuring smile.

  “You ok?” he asked before turning his attention back to the bartender.

  The raucous sound of the crowded bar faded into a low hum. The hairs on her arms stood up as a wave of goosebumps raced across her chest. Her nipples puckered against the lace of her bra. The smile changed his boyish face into pure wicked gorgeousness. Her mouth gaped a little.

  You haven’t had sex in over a month, that’s all… and he’s kinda hot.

  His arm protected her from the impatient crowd behind. Her body was pinned up against his. His heat burned through the thin cotton summer dress she wore under her leather biker jacket.

  Breath held high in her chest, she looked around. It was 4 deep at the long bar. There were only a handful of other women. Her breath came out and back in quickly. She fumbled with her purse and tried to remember why coming in here was such a good idea. Drawn to his reflection in the mirror behind the bar, her stomach fluttered. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Before she could look away, their gazes met. He raised both eyebrows and his knowing smile made her cheeks warm and pink. He squeezed her to his side for an instant, then released her to collect their drinks.

  She turned and forced her way through the crowd, towards the clear space just in front of the stage. The air was marginally fresher here.

  “Thank you.” She took the glass from him and stepped back. Lips pursed, her eyes squinted a little, as she took a good look at him for the first time. His brown eyes were fringed with long dark eyelashes. Her hand itched to run across the day-old stubble on his chin. His mouth was full, inviting, and wet from the sip of beer he’d just taken. And he was tall. A good head taller than her. His pleased with himself smile was nearly hidden as he briefly looked away.

  “Do I pass?” His voice was warm with laughter and had an accent Emily knew but couldn’t place. Her eyes flew back to his, annoyed with herself for being embarrassed and not for getting caught checking him out.

  Emily ignored the question and looked him straight in the eye. “So… Accident or attention-seeking?” She picked up her glass and toasted the question.

  Both biceps curved gently as he shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “Busted!” He looked away, slightly sheepishly. “I walked in behind you, and er…I dunno, I just wanted to buy you a drink.” He finished lamely, giving her a half smile and another shrug of his shoulders. He didn’t look too sorry.

  “Not stalker-ish at all then?”

  “No, definitely not stalker-ish?” He shook his head.

  “Why couldn’t you just ask? Instead of throwing my drink across the bar?”

  “No,” he shook his head again, “that was an accident… I swear.” His laugh rumbled deep in his chest.

  “Yeah? I don’t believe you!” She realised she had a smile on her face, the first time in a while. And it felt good.

  A cheer from the bar broke the moment as the band made their way back towards the stage.

  “We don’t deserve another set,” he said, bowing his head melodramatically.

  Emily laughed and picked up her drink. The sticky floor made her grimace as she pushed her way through the crowd and out into the fresh air of the Beer Garden.

  She sat down at a trestle table furthest away from the bar. Unsure if he would join her but glad when he did. “You can’t hear yourself think in there.” She took a sip from her glass. “It’s the first time I’ve been here, it’s a bit nuts, isn’t it?” Music growled out into the beer garden as another group of drinkers escaped out into the cool, fresh air.

  “Yeah, nuts.” He picked up his drink and took another sip. “Jacob, nice to meet you…?”


  “Cheesy Question alert!” He grinned and Emily wanted to kiss him. “What the hell are you doing in this…” He looked back towards the bar, and lifted his left shoulder slightly, clearly looking for the right word.


  “Yeah! Dive!” His chest rose a little as he let out a half laugh.

  “I was supposed to be out with a friend, but she got a last-minute Tinder, so she
dumped me.” Emily looked away so he wouldn’t see the hurt on her face.

  What the fuck! I sound like such a sadsack! She took another sip of her wine. “I was heading home, heard the music and thought why not... All dressed up and nowhere to go!”

  Stop talking!


  Great! So now he knows you’re a loser!

  “It happens,” he said quietly. “So, what’s there to do in Chichester on a warm Saturday evening?”

  Emily was grateful for the change of subject. “Err, not sure. What do you like doing?”

  “Well, at home I play a lot of ice hockey, but that’s not an option here…”

  Ahh. That’ll explain the hard, fit body.

  “…and study. That’s my life at the moment.” He sounded a little fed up.

  “Why? Do your parents push you to play?”

  “No, not at all. They’re cool. It’s me. I want to be an—” He stopped, as if he thought better of telling her. “No, I just want to do well with my studies.”

  Emily searched his face, but it was shuttered and closed. She let it go. “Well, no, we can’t run to an ice rink.” She took another sip of her wine. “So, where’s home then? Canada?”

  He immediately brightened and waved both hands in the air. “Thank God! Finally, someone who’s heard of Canada! Most people here are convinced I'm from the States.”

  The grin made her catch her breath. Damm! He’s gorgeous! Emily wanted to look away, the full force of his attention made her a little shy.

  “My aunt lives in Canada…So, what’s a Canadian hockey player doing here?”

  “Ahh well, there’s a twinning programme for Sports Science, and I thought Chichester had a nice ring to it.” He shrugged and asked, “What about you? Are you from here?”

  “No, I’m a student too.” She took a sip of her wine. “Politics and International Relations.”

  God, he’s cute!

  She gulped the last of her wine to hide her embarrassment. Don’t let him be a mind reader! The glass slammed down on the wooden table but didn’t break.

  “Can I get you another drink?” Jacob stood up and picked up their glasses.

  “No, it must be my turn to pay.” She reached for her purse, but it was too late. She watched as he walked back into the bar. It took her a second to realise she wasn’t the only one admiring how his jeans hugged his butt and skimmed his firm thighs.

  She picked up her phone and dashed off a couple of texts.

  ‘Soph. Guess what? I'm at the Bowl with a seriously hot

  Canadian hockey player.’


  ‘Still annoyed at you tho.’

  ‘Send photos!’

  ‘How's your Tinder, bitch?’

  ‘WTF r u doing in the Bowl? It's a dive.’

  ‘Following your advice.’

  ‘Good Girl. Wot advice?’

  ‘Best way to get over a bloke is to get a new bloke.’

  Emily glanced over to the door as music escaped from inside and watched as Jacob held the door open for a trio of heavily made up, giggly women, who eyed him up and down.

  Old enough to be his mother, she tutted, and looked away. Bitchy but true.

  “Here you go.” Jacob put her drink down in front of her.


  “Hey, I saw a poster in there for a Thai restaurant, the Jade Palace. Do you know it? Is it near here? Do you want to go?” He’d sat next to her, so she couldn’t see his face, but his voice sounded overly cool and a bit too nonchalant.

  Emily turned towards him as he lifted the glass to his lips, said, “but only if you’re free of course…” and took a large sip from his glass.

  Is he laughing at me? She continued to stare at him. The silence lengthened to the point of just becoming awkward.

  A laugh bubbled up inside her and caused heads to turn when it escaped. He chanced a glance at her, his eyes squinting, his face a mixture of hope, but ready for rejection. She swivelled her back to him, took her phone and snapped a selfie of them.

  “Just in case you turn out to be a mass murderer… Soph can ID you to the police.” And then as an afterthought, “Once she’s finished shagging her Tinder.” She drained the rest of her wine, turned towards his surprised face, and said, “Right, quick trip to the loo and we'll go.”


  Her phone chirped as she walked into the relative quiet of the bathroom.

  ‘OMG! Ya gotta do that!!!’

  ‘You’re such a slut.’

  But Emily agreed.

  Are you really going to do this? she asked herself in the mirror. It’s only food. She pulled her long dark hair up into a ponytail and twisted left and right to get a better view. And he wants someone to talk to. It’s not like a date or anything. Water splashed over her wrists as she continued to look in the mirror. Giving up on the hand dryer, she shook the excess water off her hands. Yeah, so why are you putting on lip gloss?

  She looked at her reflection in the mirror, Sophie had done a great job on her new look – hair was shiny and bouncy. The expertly applied makeup hid the dark circles under her eyes.

  Hey, why not? No complications. Just a bit of fun. IF it leads anywhere, why not?

  Best way to get over a bloke is to get a new bloke. Right?

  “Haven’t thought of Tom all afternoon,” she said out loud. And that felt like a little victory. What’s good for the goose… She pulled the heavy door open, and made her way back through the noisy crowded bar towards the Beer Garden.


  Dinner was a blur. She’d laughed, talked and listened. She felt seen, for the first time in a long time. And now, out in the chilly evening air, the amount of wine she had drunk began to hit home. She slipped her hand into his and smiled at him. “Come on!”

  He’ll be going home soon. Why not?

  Her courage took them all the way past the Chichester Cross, and a third of the way down West Street before it began to stutter.

  “So Canadian hockey player in Chichester.” His hand was warm, and it felt nice. ‘Enjoying yourself?’

  “I’m liking what I’ve seen so far.” He held her gaze and a fire started in the pit of her stomach. “But I only arrived on Thursday.” He grinned. “And hockey, I’ve played hockey since I could walk. It’s kind of a religion where I’m from.” He paused. “But I just needed a break.”

  Emily got the impression there was more to it than that, but she didn’t push him.

  She let go of his hand to dodge around a couple walking in the opposite direction. Her hand missed the warmth of his, so she slipped it back into place. He turned and looked at her. The heat that had been building inside her flared up again.

  Damm, he’s cute! A vision of him naked flashed through her mind. She wanted him so much her underwear was already damp. If he doesn’t want me, I’ll have to do me on my own!

  Decision made. Her sudden stop caught him off guard. The momentum pulled her against his chest. His surprised and confused expression made her laugh.

  “I, er, only live down here.” She turned and looked down the narrow street. Took a deep breath, turned back towards him, and hoped she had called it right. The butterflies had returned to her stomach. She shifted from foot to foot nervously.

  He scanned her face for a second or two, then closed the space between them. He reached to her waist and pulled her gently against him. His gaze never leaving hers, he lowered his head, and when his lips touched hers, her whole body erupted with a need that pooled between her legs. Any sounds of the busy street had faded out. All she could think of was how gentle and warm his lips were against hers.

  He brushed them across hers, and her breath nearly stopped in her chest. Her legs gave out a little, and she was glad he had such a strong hold on her waist. She was disappointed when he pulled away and pleased to see he was breathing a little heavier too. Her breasts skimmed his hard chest, the warmth of his body easily felt through her cotton dress. It took the hooting of a passing car
to bring them back to their senses.

  “Let’s go!” he said and reached for her hand. They both laughed as the tension and awkwardness evaporated.


  Emily snapped on the table lamp just inside the door and threw her keys into the drawer underneath. She heard the door click shut. Jacob slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. The heat that had built in her core, grew as he brushed her hair to one side and blew across her neck. Her body bucked with desire, and she ground her hips back against his hard, and clearly interested, body.

  She tilted her head giving him easier access to her neck. His warm lips touched her sensitive skin, and this time he gave a little laugh as she bucked again, her need clear. He ran his hands up her sides and across her stomach. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured into the shell of her ear. Shivers raced down her spine. His large hands skimmed her breasts, and she felt her nipples tighten.

  She rested her head back on his shoulder and ran her hands up and down the front of his thighs. This earned her a low ‘hmmm’ in return. She shrugged out of her jacket and let it drop. The thin cotton summer dress allowed his heat to singe her body. He traced circles across her stomach, and swung low across her hips, and then high up to her breasts. He gently squeezed her breasts, and Emily felt her panties dampen even more. He settled his palm at the top of her thigh, as his long fingers stroked her soft flesh through the fabric. Electricity flashed through her core again. It took her a second to realise he had gathered up the fabric of the dress. His fingers stroked the skin of her thigh, and she let out a breathy “Yesss.”

  She squealed as he nipped her neck. Raw need shot through her and pooled between her legs. The warmth of his lips added yet more desire as he gently sucked away the pain. Emily nearly came. “Oh God!” she said with a slight growl in her voice. He spun her around, thrust his hands into her hair and took possession of her lips. His tongue forced its way inside, and when it caressed hers, she sagged against him.